Responsible Dog Ownership in Scotland

At the City Council's Environment Committee meeting there was a report on the council's response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on Promoting Responsible Dog Ownership.

I welcomed the council's response on this consultation as it is clear to me that responsible dog owners and the wider public in Dundee agree with the broad thrust of these proposals.  For example I support the compulsory microchipping of dogs and I also agree with the muzzling of aggressive dogs.

I am particularly glad that the response recognises that there are problems with regard to dog fouling in the city.  Dog fouling on our streets and in our open spaces is something that disgusts a great number of people in the city and is a public health issue which we must take seriously. 

We must ask whether Dundee City Council is doing enough to combat dog fouling?  Are there enough officers trying to catch the culprits of  dog fouling?  We need government to give more legislative power to the Fixed Penalty Notices issued to those guilty of allowing their dog to foul pavements or open spaces.  Currently it is difficult to force people to pay these penalty notices due to a lack of legislative teeth.