Happy St Andrew's Day

I would like to wish everyone a very happy St Andrew's Day.  I think that we should celebrate our national patron.  It would be good if St Andrew's Day was celebrated more in Scotland.  The feast day of St Andrew should be a good time to reflect on the history of our nation and look towards to future of our nation.

In the West End ward we have the Catholic Cathedral of the Diocese of Dunkeld dedicated to St Andrew.  The picture here is of the stained glass window of St Andrew from that cathedral.  I suppose the question we are faced with is what does a two-thousand year old Galilean fisherman have to say to us in twenty-first century Scotland. According to the Gospel it was Andrew who found the boy with loaves and the fishes which led to the feeding of the five thousand, perhaps we should reflect on those who are hungry in Scotland today reliant on food banks and those who are hungry throughout the world.  Whatever your view on religion perhaps we should use St Andrew's Day to focus on hunger rather than flags.

Whatever you are doing I hope that you enjoy the Feast of St Andrew.