Feast of Christ the King and Dundee Evangelical Christian Alliance Worship Service

On Sunday I attended two church services, the first was at St Andrew's Cathedral in the Nethergate and was the Mass for the Feast of Christ the King, the second was at St Peter's Free Church in St Peter's Street and was the annual worship service for the Dundee Evangelical Christian Alliance. In ecclesiastical terms these were quite diverse events, yet interestingly shared much. The music at both services was superb, each in their own way. Both services thanked those who serve in public office, for my part I very much appreciate that. I like what I do and don't do it for thanks or praise but try to do what I think is right and do my best. But it is nice to be thanked from time to time.

At St Andrew's Cathedral Bishop Vincent Logan preached on Matthew's Gospel (Mt 25: 31-46) which talks about feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger and clothing the naked. This passage finishes with the line what you did to least of these you did it to me. Bishop Vincent pointed out that, 'we rarely hear of the ongoing catastrophe which sees one child dying every four seconds. The silent killers are poverty, easily preventable diseases and illnesses. The gap between rich and poor is high, and widening.'

Whether your motivation is religious or not Bishop Vincent is absolutely correct that something needs to be done about poverty. Poverty needs to tackled both in Dundee and right across the world. Tackling deprivation and inequality is what I want to do in politics.

The service at St Peter's Free Church heard about some of the practical work being done by churches and faith based groups in Dundee to tackle problems like poverty and the often related problems of drink and drug addiction. The main speaker Os Guinness spoke on service and on how important it was to serve. I think that interestingly both messages are linked in that those of us in public office are called to serve the poor and the needy. This is certainly something that I try to keep in my mind in my work serving the people of the West End.

Bishop Vincent Logan has announced his retirement and will soon be replaced as Bishop of Dunkeld I would like to wish him a long and healthy retirement when it comes. The minister of St Peter's Free Church, Rev David Robertson is currently ill, I would like to wish him a full recovery.

I would like to thank all those who gave me such a warm welcome at these services.